Service Opportunities

Our Church is served by a team of Elders, Deacons, Committee Chairpersons, and members along with Teachers and other committed workers. All members are encouraged to share their call to service and are invited to seek support in developing that call. Junior Deaconate are appointed to help weekly in the collection of tithes and offerings and the serving of communion.

Acolytes are an opportunity for our young people to light the candles at worship and assist in the service. It is a good introduction to the traditions of worship.

Choir meets every Wednesday evening 7:30-8:30 to prepare music that will enhance our worship experience and uplift our spirits.

Early Music Group uses recorders and other early instruments. Beginners welcome.

Drama Group for all ages meets to prepare special drama for worship, Dinner Theater, and fellowship events especially during Lent/Easter and Advent/Christmas. We also work together on a Christmas Pageant.

DW (Disciples Women’s Fellowship) and DM (Disciples Men’s Fellowship) offer opportunities for ministry, along with fellowship and study activities. Each Group organizes and carries out several fund raisers a year.

DeSoto Food Pantry basket is always available for our donations. Throughout the year special collections are led by our Outreach Committee and DW & DM.

Service Opportunities are readily available through Contributions to our denominations Emergency Funds and Mission Funds. We also participate with other DeSoto Churches by working in the ‘Great Days of Service’. This is a 4 day work period to help people with various needs in DeSoto.