Activities That Nurture the Spiritual Life

  • Sunday School for all grades. Appropriate curriculum to help all ages to learn and apply faith to their lives.
  • Child care is provided for children up to 2nd grade during church. A special message in the sanctuary continues the age appropriate program from class.

  • Youth Program every other Sunday after the service. It includes Chime Choir, drama, and fellowship activities led by our pastor.

  • Christian Spirituality Classes 7:00 pm Tuesday evenings taught by our pastor, a certified Spiritual Director. Classes begin in September and run through April.  Topics vary and are related to the interests of the class.  The Spirituality Class also holds a special Saturday Session on a general topic in Spirituality in the fall...everyone is invited!

  • Fellowship for Adults.  Special activities that include fellowship, service, and various special projects - drama, chimes, lunch out after worship, and special events.

  • Vacation Bible School.  Held every summer, VBS is a time for bible-based learning and fun.  Children learn to play the Chimes in preparation for playing in other programs during the year.
  • Pastor's Membership Classes.  Available as needed (group or individually) for all seeking baptism or denominational information.
  • Advent Activities.  A special workshop designed to prepare our congregation for Christmas with lessons, crafts, and music.

  • Lent Activities.  Workshop with lessons, crafts, and "egg hunt."

  • Halloween Workshop and Party to emphasis the relationship of the Christian Church to Halloween and the joys of understanding Christian History and the development of "holidays." Workshop starts at 7:00 pm Friday, October 24th; lesson, Carnival, snacks.
  • Celebration of Christian Education and Promotion Sunday.  Each September we celebrate achievements of our congregation, promote our children and youth, and recognize our teachers.

  • Service We participate in the great Days of Service and the 1st Tuesday Prayer breakfast for DeSoto.  Other opportunities throughout the year.
  • Blessing of the Animals Saturday October 4th at 10:00 am.

  • Camps, Retreats, and Rallies are age appropriate and provide opportunities to meet with youth from other areas.  First Christian Church helps fund participation in these camps and other opportunities so that all who wish may attend.